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Records: 351 to 400 of 18919
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Actions Call Number Title   Author
View Record  VA heny6 Abstracts of Deed Books V & VI Henry County, Virginia Co. 1792 thru Dec. 1805 Adams, Lela C.
View Record  NC dupl6 Abstracts of Deeds Vol. l 1784-1813, Duplin County, NC Draughon, Eleanor Smith
View Record  NC edge6 Abstracts of Deeds, Edgecombe Precinct, Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1732 through 1758 Hofmann, Margaret M (comp)
View Record  MS mari6 Abstracts of Deeds, Marion County, Mississippi… Williams, E. Russ, Jr.
View Record  SC gree6 Abstracts of Deeds: Greenville County, SC Books A, B, & C (1787-1795) Pruitt, A. B.
View Record  SC gree6 Abstracts of Deeds: Greenville County, SC Books D & E (1795-1798) Pruitt, A. B.
View Record  SC gree6 Abstracts of Deeds: Greenville County, SC Books F & G (1800-1807) Pruitt, A. B.
View Record  SC gree6 Abstracts of Deeds: Greenville County, SC Books H & I (1807-1817) Pruitt, A. B.
View Record  SC gree6 Abstracts of Deeds: Greenville County, SC Books K, L, & M (1817-1823) Pruitt, A.B.
View Record  NC nort6 Abstracts of Deeds: Northhampton Co., North Carolina: Public Registry - Deed Books One & Two 1741-1759 Hofmann, Margaret M
View Record  NJ warr6 Abstracts of Divisions of Warren and Sussex County Estates filed at Sussex County Courthouse Newton, New Jersey from 1789-1918 Brown, Virginia A. ed
View Record  NC edge6 Abstracts of Early Deeds of Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1759-1772 Watson, Joseph W.
View Record  NC edge6 Abstracts of Early Deeds of Edgecombe County, North Carolina 1772-1788 Vol. II Watson, Joseph W.
View Record  NC nash6 Abstracts of Early Deeds of Nash County North Carolina Books 1-6 Watson, Joseph W.
View Record  TX 00004 (191) Abstracts of Early East Texas Newspapers 1839-1856 Nicklas, Linda Cheves
View Record  SC laur0 Abstracts of Early Records of Laurens County, South Carolina 1785-1820… Nash, Sara M.
View Record  NC nash0 Abstracts of Early Records of Nash County, North Carolina 1777-1859 Watson, Joseph W
View Record  VA fauq7 Abstracts of Fauquier County, Virginia Wills, Inventories and Accounts 1759 - 1800 Gott, John K.
View Record  GA 00000 (3) Abstracts Of Georgia Colonial Book J 1755-1762 Walker, George Fuller (comp)
View Record  GA 00006 (13) Abstracts Of Georgia Colonial Conveyance Book C-1 1750-1761 Beckemeyer, Frances H (comp)
View Record  VA heny6 Abstracts of Henry County, Virginia Deed Books I and II Adams, Lela C.
View Record  PA lanc7 Abstracts of Lancaster County, PA, Orphans Court Records, 1742-1767 Wevodau, Edward N.
View Record  PA lanc7 Abstracts of Lancaster County, PA, Orphans Court Records, 1768-1782 Wevodau, Edward N.
View Record  PA lanc7 Abstracts of Lancaster County, PA, Orphans Court Records, 1782-1791 Wevodau, Edward N.
View Record  VA lanc7 Abstracts of Lancaster County, Virginia, Wills 1653-1800 Lee, Ida J.
View Record  NC robe6 Abstracts of Land Entries: Robeson County, North Carolina, 1787-1795 Pruitt, A. B., Dr.
View Record  NC surr6 Abstracts of Land Entries: Surry Co., NC 1784-1795 Pruitt, A.B., abst.
View Record  NC tyrr6 Abstracts of Land Entries: Tyrrell Co., NC 1778-1794 Pruitt, A.B., abst.
View Record  NC anso6 Abstracts of Land Entrys: Anson Co., NC 1778-1795 Pruitt, A.B.
View Record  NC cumb6 Abstracts of Land Entrys: Cumberland Co., NC 1778-1795 Pruitt, A.B.
View Record  MD anne6 Abstracts of Land Records Anne Arundel County, Maryland Volume II Dodd, Rosemary B. and Patricia M. Bausell
View Record  MD anne6 Abstracts of Land Records, Anne Arundel County, Maryland, Volume I Dodd, Rosemary B. & Patricia M. Bausell
View Record  RF 00008 (2) Abstracts of Obituaries in the Western Christian Advocate 1834-1850 Waters, Margaret R., Dorothy Riker, and Doris Leistner
View Record  TN 00006 (2) Abstracts of Ocoee District Early Land Records - Entries McClure, Lucille
View Record  SC abbe7 Abstracts of Old Ninety-Six and Abbeville District Wills and Bonds Young, W P
View Record  AL mobi7 Abstracts of Orphans Court Minutes, Mobile County, Alabama Book I 1813-1837 King, Clinton & Meriem Barlow
View Record  NJ morr8 Abstracts of Partitions and Divisions of Morris County Estates Filed at Morristown New Jersey 1785-1900 Brown, Virginia Alleman
View Record  PA phil7 Abstracts of Philadelphia County Wills - 1682 - 1726 Historical Soc. of Pennsylvani
View Record  PA phil7 Abstracts of Philadelphia County Wills - 1726 - 1747 Historical Soc. of Pennsylvani
View Record  SC pick6 Abstracts of Pickens District South Carolina Deed Book A-1 (1st Deed Book) 1828-1831 with many earlier dates Cheek, Linda G.
View Record  VA pitt7 Abstracts of Pittsylvania County, Virginia Wills, 1767-1820 Adama, Lela C. & Virginia Bassett
View Record  SC 00000 (10) Abstracts of Records of the Secretary of the Province of South Carolina, 1692-1721 Moore, Caroline T (comp)
View Record  NC samp7 Abstracts of Sampson County North Carolina Wills 1784-1895 Bass, Cora
View Record  PA 00008 (14) Abstracts of South Central Pennsylvania Newspapers 1785-1790 Wright, F. Edward, comp.
View Record  PA 00008 (14a) Abstracts of South Central Pennsylvania Newspapers 1791-1795 Reamy, Martha, comp.
View Record  PA 00008 (14b) Abstracts of South Central Pennsylvania Newspapers 1796-1800 Wright, F. Edward, comp.
View Record  MD 00007 (6) Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court Libers 1 through 5 1718-1724 Skinner, V. L. Jr.
View Record  MD 00007 (6b) Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court Libers 11-15 1731-1737 Skinner, V. L. Jr.
View Record  MD 00007 (6c) Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court Libers 16-20 1737-1744 Skinner, V. L. Jr.
View Record  MD 00007 (6d) Abstracts of the Administration Accounts of the Prerogative Court Libers 21-28 1744-1750 Skinner, V. L. Jr.
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Records: 351 to 400 of 18919