Support SAGHS

Support for operation and maintenance of Society activities and facilities comes from many sources.  While annual membership dues provide about 60% of our operating expenses, they are supplemented by our Annual Fund Drive, grants and donations from various organizations, and income from many of our activities, such as our annual seminar, sale of publications, the quilt raffle, educational classes and workshops, and responses to research requests.  In addition, there are frequent donations made as memorials, and an occasional bequest.
Monetary donations may be made by mailing in a check or online with your credit card by using the payment process below.  If you are a current member, please log-in to the site first and your information will be automatically populated in  the form.
Monetary donations are also accepted in person at the library.
We are a not for profit organization operating under section 501 (c) (3) of the Federal Tax Code; therefore, your donations are fully tax deductible.  A receipt for your donation will be provided  to you in the check out process. You will also receive by mail a thank you letter from the Society.
To prevent robotic submissions, you must place a check in the checkbox during the payment process. This creates a unique code which you will then type into the box.
Place a Donation:
First Name: Required
Last Name: Required
Email Address: Required
Phone: Required, formatted as (000) 000-0000
Donation Amount (USD):   Required, $10.00 Minimum Donation, Format as 123.45
Donation Type:

I would like to make this donation anonymously. Please do not publish my name.
Donor Comments:

Address: Required
Address 2:
City: Required
State / Province: Required
Postal Code: Required